Don Reisinger
2018年4月16日由Don Reisinger
Samsung could stand to realize significant savings if the company turns to blockchain for its global supply chain.
Speaking to Bloomberg in an interview published on Sunday, Samsung blockchain chief Song Kwang-woo said that the company will decide soon whether the use the blockchain ledger to manage its supply chain shipments across the world. According to the report, Samsung spends billions of dollars a year on those shipments and could cut its costs by as much as 20% by relying on blockchain.
Blockchain is best known for its use by cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and others to keep track of transactions and ensure the accuracy of cryptocurrency valuations. But at its core, blockchain is a digital ledger that can be used to track and verify anything. Companies in the logistics industry have been taking an extra-hard look at blockchain because it can accurately automate many of the current functions that require much slower and more costly human interaction.
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According to the report, Samsung’s supply chain manages everything from the flow of components for its devices to the shipments of its finished products to store shelves. In total, the company’s logistics division, Samsung SDS, will take on 1 million shipping units and 488,000 tons of air cargo. The company believes that blockchain will allow for a faster and more efficient flow of those shipments and could ultimately quicken the pace of product launches.
Samsung didn’t tell the news service when it will finally make its decision on whether to deploy blockchain across its supply chain.
三星可以实现显著节省如果公司转向blockchain其全球供应链。在星期日发表的采访中对彭博社来说,三星blockchain首席Song Kwang woo说公司将很快决定是否使用blockchain分类在全球供应链的管理运。据报道,三星每年花数十亿美元的出货量,可以削减成本高达20%依靠blockchain。Blockchain最出名的是它的使用比特币和其他cryptocurrencies如跟踪交易和确保cryptocurrency估值精度。但在它的核心,是一个数字blockchain帐,可用于跟踪和验证什么。在物流行业中的公司一直在努力寻找blockchain额外因为它能准确地自动完成许多需要更慢和更昂贵的人类互动的现有功能。得到的数据表,财富的技术通讯
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