The Case For Owning Bitcoin and a $1 ‘Stablecoin’ – 持有比特币和一个1美元的“SabCelooin”的案例



Jen Wieczner

April 20, 2018

Jen Wieczner 2018年4月20日

Six years ago, Nader Al-Naji was mining Bitcoin in his dorm room at Princeton University. He still owns the 22 Bitcoins he mined in college.

But today, Al-Naji is the cofounder and CEO of Intangible Labs, whose forthcoming product Basis (formerly known as Basecoin), is a cryptocurrency designed to do just the opposite of what Bitcoin has done: The price of a Basis coin is meant to stay at $1.

Earlier this week, Basis announced that it had raised $133 million from venture capital investors to develop Basis, its so-called stable-coin, a cryptocurrency whose price is algorithmically pegged to a fixed value, adjusting its supply based on demand.

The Bitcoin price, meanwhile, is hovering around $8,200; in the past year, Bitcoin has fluctuated from as low as $1,200 to as high as roughly $20,000. “Our thesis is that the volatility of cryptocurrencies is actually largely blocking mainstream adoption,” Al-Naji said on Fortune’s latest episode of Balancing the Ledger, a weekly show about blockchain technology and fintech cohosted by Robert Hackett and Jen Wieczner. “If you look at something like Bitcoin or one of these other cryptocurrencies, while they’re useful for speculation, you’d never want to, for example, do a loan or a salary in these cryptocurrencies.”

On the other hand, Al-Naji is still “bullish” on Bitcoin, which is why he is holding on (or “hodling,” in industry lingo) to most of his coins. He notes that well-known venture capitalist Tim Draper, of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, last week predicted that the Bitcoin price would hit $250,000 in the next four years. Paradoxically, that makes Al-Naji see an even greater need for a stablecoin like Basis, which does not have any of the same return potential.

“I get a little heart attack every time I have to spend my Bitcoin,” Al-Naji said. With Basis, though, he doesn’t have to worry that what he shells out today on say, a sandwich, could have bought him say, a Ferrari tomorrow (or a year from now) if he’d held on to it. “I think the fact that the value is stable and not expected to appreciate really solves almost a perverse incentive with spending it that makes it much more useful as a medium of exchange,” he said.

六年前,Nader Al Naji在普林斯顿大学宿舍里挖掘比特币。他仍然拥有他在大学里挖掘的22个比特币。但今天,Al Naji是无形实验室的创始人兼首席执行官,其即将推出的产品基础(以前称为BaseCoin)是一种密码设计,与Bitcoin所做的正好相反:基础硬币的价格将保持在1美元。本周早些时候,Basic宣布,它已经从风险资本投资者那里筹集了1亿3300万美元用于开发基础,即所谓的稳定硬币,其密码算法的价格固定在固定值上,根据需求调整其供应量。与此同时,比特币价格徘徊在8200美元左右;在过去的一年里,比特币从1200美元的低点波动到了大约20000美元的高点。WPAP6034QTEOR论文的观点是,加密技术的波动实际上在很大程度上阻碍了主流的采用,WPAP60300 6QTE Al Naji在FalueWPA60607QTES的最新一期《平衡Ledger》上说,这是一个关于BigStand技术和FiTek由Robert Hackett和Jen Wi共同主持的每周节目。埃茨纳WPAP60300 4QTIF如果你看像比特币之类的东西,或者它们中的一种,当它们对投机有用的时候,你永远不会想,例如,在这些密码子中做一笔贷款或薪水。WPAP60300 6QTE。另一方面,Al Naji仍然是比特币上的WPA60604QTEBLICWIPPAP60300 6QTE,这就是为什么他将持有(或WPA60604QTEHODLING,WPAP60300 6QTE在工业LINGO)到他的大部分硬币。他指出,著名的风险资本家Tim Draper,Draper Fisher Jurvetson,上周预测,比特币价格将在未来四年达到250000美元。自相矛盾的是,这使得阿尔纳吉更需要一个稳定的基础,它没有任何相同的回报潜力。WPA60304QTEI每次我花我的比特币都会有点心脏病发作,WPAP60300 6QTE Al Naji说。尽管如此,他也不必担心,今天他所说的“三明治”,如果HEWPA60607QTED坚持下去的话,可能会在明天(或者一年后)给他买一个法拉利,或者说是一年后。WPA60604QTEI认为,价值是稳定的,不期望升值真的解决了几乎是一种错误的激励,花钱,这使得它作为交换媒介更有用,WPAP60300 6QTE,他说。


The Case For Owning Bitcoin and a $1 'Stablecoin' - 持有比特币和一个1美元的“SabCelooin”的案例

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