Term Sheet — Tuesday, May 1 – 学期表-星期二,5月1日

Term Sheet -- Tuesday, May 1 - 学期表-星期二,5月1日


Polina Marinova

May 1, 2018


Good morning, Term Sheet readers.

A SILICON VALLEY COMEBACK: It’s been less than a year since Mike Cagney was ousted from Social Finance Inc. Now, he’s back with a new startup and lots of funding from at least one of his previous investors. Here’s a quick refresher: Cagney quit as the CEO of student loan refinancer SoFi last summer following allegations of sexual misconduct and fraudulent actions by managers.

Seven months later, he’s back for his second act with a new blockchain-focused (surprise!) startup that helps expedite loan approvals called Figure. He has raised $50 million in venture funding from investors including DCM Ventures, Ribbit Capital, and Peter Thiel’s Mithril Capital Management, according to Bloomberg. DCM Ventures invested in SoFi back in 2012.

The fact that Cagney is launching a blockchain startup isn’t all that surprising as you might remember that he told Fortune at Brainstorm Tech last year that SoFi was exploring a way to use blockchain to revolutionize title insurance.

A WALL STREET COMEBACK: Anthony Scaramucci is back on Wall Street. After an uncensored rant ended his 10-day career as the White House communications director, Scaramucci is returning to SkyBridge Capital as co-managing partner. SkyBridge is the network of hedge funds that Scaramucci founded in 2005.

As you might remember, Scaramucci had reached a deal to sell his ownership in the business to Chinese conglomerate HNA Group at the start of 2017, and resigned from SkyBridge in order to get that infamous job at the White House. But on Monday, it was announced that HNA Group decided to drop its bid due to regulatory delays, so Scaramucci will head back to his business and focus on strategic planning and marketing.

It is unclear, however, what will happen to The Scaramucci Post, Scaramucci’s bizarre-emoji-filled-Twitter-account-supposed-to-be-media company thing. If anyone knows, send your leads my way.

A VENTURE CAPITAL ENTRY: Rapper Kanye West tweeted that “Yeezy is now a VC” and that he has invested in three companies since last week. If true, West would be the latest celebrity to enter the VC world. 💀



• This Female-Led Startup Wants Women to Know What Their Condoms Are Made Of (by Beth Kowitt)

•  Why It’s Tough to Bet Against T-Mobile CEO John Legere (by Alan Murray)

• Pfizer Shares Deflate After Another Quarter Without a Big Transaction

• ‘That’s Not a Good Use of My Time:’ Bill Gates Says He Turned Down a Job Offer From Donald Trump (by David Meyer)


WhatsApp founder plans to leave after broad clashes with Facebook. Didi vs. Meituan: China’s biggest tech battle heats up. World’s second most valuable cryptocurrency is under regulatory scrutiny.


Hustle, a San Francisco-based peer-to-peer (P2P) messaging platform, raised $30 million in Series B funding. Insight Venture Partners led the round, and was joined by investors including GV and Salesforce Ventures.

Suki, a Redwood City, Calif.-based voice-based digital assistant for doctors, raised $20 million in total funding, according to TechCrunch. Venrock led the round, and was joined by investors including First Round, Social Capital, Nat Turner of Flatiron Health, and Marc Benioff. Read more.

ZeroCater, a San Francisco-based provider of office catering and snacks, raised $12 million in Series B funding. Cleveland Avenue LLC led the round, and was joined by investors including Romulus Capital and Struck Capital.

Algolux Inc., a Canada-based provider of machine-learning stacks for autonomous vision and imaging, raised $10 million in Series A funding. General Motors Ventures led the round, and was joined by investors including Drive Capital, Intact Ventures, and Real Ventures.

Paragraf, a U.K.-based graphene technology development company, raised £2.9 million ($4 million) in seed funding. Cambridge Enterprise led the round, and was joined by investors including Parkwalk Advisors, Amadeus Capital Partners, and IQ Capital Partners.

Covee, a network for decentralized data science collaboration, raised €1.35 million ($1.62 million) in seed funding. LocalGlobe led the round, and was joined by investors including Atlantic Labs.



Crescendo Biologics Ltd, a U.K.-based biopharmaceutical company, raised $70 million in Series B funding. Andera Partners led the round, and was joined by investors including Quan Capital.

Attenua Inc, a developer of new chronic cough treatments, raised $35 million in Series A funding. Omega Funds led the round, and was joined by investors including Abingworth, OrbiMed and Redmile Group LLC.

NovellusDx, an Israel-based provider of functional genomics, raised $6 million in funding. Investors include Helsinn Group, Bio Capital Impact Fund and Windham Venture Partners.



L3 Technologies (NYSE:LLL) agreed to sell its Vertex Aerospace business to American Industrial Partners for $540 million in cash.

L Catterton made an investment in Dentalcorp, a Canada-based network of general and specialist dental clinics. Financial terms weren’t disclosed.

Permira agreed to acquire Cisco’s Service Provider Video Software Solutions (SPVSS) business, to create a new company. Financial terms weren’t disclosed.

Peter C. Foy & Associates Insurance Services LLC, which is backed by BHMS and Madison Capital, made four acquisitions: R.L. Milsner, Inc. Insurance Brokerage, Senex Insurance Services, Inc, Stratton Agency and Clark & Associates of Nevada Inc. Financial terms weren’t disclosed.

Anne Arundel Dermatology Management, a portfolio company of New MainStream Capital, acquired Tideway Dermatology, a Maryland-based dermatology practice. Financial terms weren’t disclosed.

Warren Equity Partners acquired Meridian Waste, a St. Louis, Mo., and Richmond, Va.-based solid waste company. No financial terms were disclosed.

Future Planet Capital acquired a stake in Halo Neuroscience, a San Francisco-based developer of a neurostimulation headset, for $1 million.



Walmart Inc. will sell its British arm Asda Group Ltd. to rival J Sainsbury in a deal that values the chain at about £7.3 billion ($10.1 billion), according to the Wall Street Journal. Under the terms of the deal, Walmart gets a 42% stake in the combined company and almost £3 billion in cash. Read more.



Tencent Music, the Chinese music streaming giant, has called for banks to pitch for its $4 billion IPO in the U.S., IFR reports citing sources. Read more.

Vinhomes JSC, a Vietnamese property developer, filed to raise $1.4 billion in the countries largest ever IPO. Read more.

Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals, a Lexington, Mass.-based firm creating products for autoimmune conditions, filed for an IPO of up to $100 million. Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan are underwriters in the deal. Baker Bros. Advisors backs the firm. The firm plans to list on the Nasdaq as “KNSA.” Read more.

Greensky, an Atlanta, Ga.-based sales platform, filed to raise $100 million in an IPO. Pacific Investment Management Company and TPG back the firm. Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, and Morgan Stanley are underwriters in the deal. The firm plans to list as “GSKY.” It has not yet chosen an exchange. Read more.

Evelo Biosciences, a Cambridge, Mass.-basd biotech focused on the gut, said it plans to raise $85 million in an IPO of 5.31 million shares priced between $15 to $17. Flagship Pioneering (68% pre-offering) and Fidelity (7%) back the firm. Morgan Stanley, Cowen, and BMO Capital are underwriters in the deal. The firm plans to list on the Nasdaq as “EVLO.” Read more.

Scholar Rock Holding, a Cambridge, Mass.-based biotech developing diseases in which protein growth plays a main factor, filed to raise $75 in an IPO. Fidelity (15%), Polaris Venture (14%), ARCH Venture (14%), and Artal International (10%) back the firm. Jefferies, Cowen, and BMO Capital Markets are underwriters in the deal. Read more.



Greenbriar Equity Group sold Ryan Herco Flow Solutions, a Burbank, Calif.-based specialty distributor of flow solutions for mission-critical fluids, to SunSource. Financial terms weren’t disclosed.

EQT agreed to sell Piab Group, a Sweden-based supplier of industrial vacuum technology solutions like vacuum ejectors, suction cups and vacuum conveyors, to Patricia Industries, a part of Investor AB. Financial terms weren’t disclosed.



Andra Capital raised more than $500 million for its blockchain-focused late-stage technology growth fund.

Sky9 Capital, a China-focused venture firm, raised $200 million for its third fund.



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Polina Marinova produces Term Sheet, and Lucinda Shen compiles the IPO news. Send deal announcements to Polina here and IPO news to Lucinda here.

2018年5月1日由Polina Marinova一个成功的故事 早上好,术语表的读者。硅谷的复出:自从Mike Cagney被逐出社会金融公司现在不到一年,他回到了一个新的启动和在他之前的投资者的资金大量的至少一个。这里是一个快速复习:卡格尼辞去了助学贷款refinancer SoFi CEO去年夏天以下性行为不端的指控和经营者欺诈行为。七个月后,他回来了他一个新的blockchain二作为重点(惊喜!)有助于加快贷款审批的启动。他已经募集了5000万美元的风险资金,投资者包括DCM Ventures,Ribbit的资本,和彼得·泰尔的秘银资本管理,根据彭博社。DCM Ventures投资SoFi回到2012。事实上,卡格尼推出的blockchain启动并不奇怪你可能记得他告诉财富头脑风暴技术去年,SoFi在探索一种使用blockchain革新产权保险。华尔街的复出:Anthony Scaramucci回到华尔街。一个未经审查的咆哮结束了为期10天的白宫公关总监的职业生涯后,Scaramucci回到天桥资本作为有限合伙人。天桥是对冲基金,成立于2005网络Scaramucci。你可能记得,Scaramucci达成协议出售他的所有权在业务的中国企业,海航集团在2017年初,辞去了天空之桥为了在白宫得到那臭名昭著的工作。但在星期一,它宣布,海航集团决定放弃由于监管延迟报价,那么Scaramucci将回到他的商业和战略规划和市场营销的重点。然而,目前尚不清楚,发生于后,Scaramucci什么怪异的表情,充满推特Scaramucci帐户应该是媒体公司的事情。如果有人知道,给你指引我方向。风险资本进入:说唱歌手Kanye West说:“Yeezy现在是一个VC”,他已在三家企业投入自上周。如果是真的,西方是进入VC界最新的名人。💀广告最新的财富… •;这女领导启动要知道安全套是由(Beth Kowitt)与公牛; 为什么it’s赌T-Mobile公司首席执行官John Legere坚韧(由局域网Murray)•辉瑞股票一季度紧缩后没有大交易•‘that’s没有利用好我的时间:’比尔盖茨说他拒绝了一份来自唐纳德·特朗普(由David Mey提供二)…and别处
WhatsApp创始人离开的计划与脸谱网广泛的冲突后。Didi vs. Meituan:中国最大的高科技战争升温。 世界第二最宝贵的cryptocurrency是在监管审查。风险交易 •喧嚣,三藩的对等(P2P)通讯平台,筹集3000万美元的B系列融资。Insight Venture Partners主导的一轮,是由投资者包括GV和Salesforce公司加入。•;Suki,一个红木城,Calif.语音为基础的数字助理医生,总共募集了2000万美元资金,根据TechCrunch。Venrock公司主导的一轮,是由投资者包括第一轮,加入了社会资本的Flatiron Health的Nat Turner,和Marc Benioff。多读。•zerocater,驻三藩的一处餐饮小吃商,筹集1200万美元的B系列融资。克利夫兰大道公司主导的一轮,是由投资者包括罗穆卢斯资本加入了资本。•algolux公司,总部位于加拿大的机器学习的自主视觉和成像栈提供商,筹集1000万美元的A系列融资。通用汽车的合资企业主导的一轮,是由投资者包括驱动资本,加入完整的企业,和真正的企业。•;Paragraf,一个英国的石墨烯技术开发公司,提高£290万(400万美元)的种子资金。剑桥企业主导的一轮,是由投资者包括parkwalk顾问加入,Amadeus Capital Partners和智力资本合伙人。•covee,对分散数据的科学合作网络,提高€135万(162万美元)的种子资金。localglobe主导的一轮,是由投资者包括大西洋实验室加入。广告健康与生命科学研究•渐强生物制品公司,一个英国。生物制药公司,筹集7000万美元的B系列融资。前合作伙伴主导的一轮,是由投资者包括泉资本加入。•衰减公司开发新的慢性咳嗽治疗,筹集3500万美元的A系列融资。欧米茄基金主导的一轮,并被投资者列米尔包括Abingworth加入,OrbiMed和集团有限责任公司•novellusdx,以色列基于功能基因组的提供者,筹集了600万美元的资金。投资者包括Helsinn集团生物资本影响基金和温德姆Venture Partners。广告私人股本交易


Term Sheet -- Tuesday, May 1 - 学期表-星期二,5月1日

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