Jen Wieczner
Jen Wieczner May 16, 2018
With concerns over data privacy reaching a fever pitch in the U.S. and Europe, major companies are proposing a new solution: Let customers control—and sell—their own data as they wish.
At the Consensus conference in New York this week, companies including Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Nokia unveiled partnerships with a Swiss startup called Streamr, which is building a marketplace for data atop a blockchain. The plan is to allow consumers to put their data—collected by any number of Internet-connected devices—on the blockchain, and then potentially make money by selling it a wide range of organizations, from advertisers to governments, interested in buying it.
Streamr, which plans to “tokenize” the data in the form of a cryptocurrency called DATAcoin, or DATA, raised $30 million in an initial coin offering (ICO) last year.
HPE, for example, has created a prototype in which data from a car can be collected on its Edgeline server and stored on a blockchain, making it possible for drivers to sell that data—from windshield wiper activity (which could provide early weather warnings) to fuel levels (which could help gas companies predict demand).
“The data that’s stored in your car is extremely valuable and right now us drivers just give it away,” says Raphael Davison, HPE’s worldwide director for blockchain. “This kind of technology with blockchain allows you to have control over it, and therefore you control it, you can monetize it.”
City administrators might want to buy data collected by cars about traffic congestion or even pothole locations, while auto insurers could buy the data to evaluate individual drivers’ risk and assess premiums accordingly. HPE’s blockchain prototype is installed in an Audi Q2, but the technology could eventually be applied in any car.
“Car makers obviously want to use it, owners would love to sell it, smart cities would love to buy it, insurance companies would love it,” Davison said.
He calls this “blockchain 3.0”: If blockchain 2.0 was about using the technology to connect businesses with other businesses, the next phase will remove corporate middlemen and connect consumers directly with companies seeking to profit.
“The approach in blockchain is that the owner of the data is the person who generates that. Not the car company,” he says, adding that HPE is also exploring ways to allow patients to control and share their own medical records and health care data.
Nokia, meanwhile, has partnered with Streamr to put data collected on the Finnish telecom company’s mobile “base station” devices—essentially industrial-strength WiFi hotspots—on the blockchain. Nokia’s base stations are frequently used in rural low-signal areas, such as on farms where Internet-enabled sensors are often deployed to predict weather patterns and regulate irrigation and other processes.
“Farmers want to have a weather station—they might also want to sell that data,” says Martti Ylikoski, radio system evolution lead at Nokia.
Streamr also announced a partnership Wednesday with OSIsoft, whose data and analytics software is used to monitor industrial plants and other operations for Fortune 500 companies. In that case, OSIsoft’s clients may want to use Streamr’s DATA token to share and trade their data amongst each other, which could also help OSIsoft attract customers, the company said.
While it may still be a few years before the technology is adopted widely enough that car drivers and farmers can actually sell their data, Streamr’s CEO Henri Pihkala envisions that eventually, many devices—from automobiles to smartphones—will have a simple on and off switch for sharing and selling their data. The technology to do so already exists, Pikhala says; it’s just a matter of getting companies to implement it: “That’s why we partner with people to make these scenarios possible.”
Streamr’s DATAcoin currently trades at a price of about 12 cents, down from a high of 30 cents at the beginning of this year.
由于对美国和欧洲的数据隐私问题感到担忧,各大公司都在提出一种新的解决方案:让客户按自己的意愿控制和销售自己的数据。在本周在纽约举行的共识会议上,包括休利特帕卡德企业和诺基亚在内的公司与一家名为Sturr的瑞士启动了合作伙伴关系。该计划是让消费者把他们的数据收集到任何数量的互联网连接设备上的封锁链,然后潜在地赚钱,通过销售它的范围广泛的组织,从广告商到政府,有兴趣购买它。Sturr计划在WPAP6034QTETKONEZIZEWPAP60300 6QTE中,以一种称为DATACOIN或数据的密码形式的数据,在去年的首次投币(ICO)中募集了3000万美元。例如,HPE创建了一个原型,在该原型中,汽车的数据可以收集在EdgEnLand服务器上,并存储在Buffic链上,使得驾驶员可以从挡风玻璃刮水器活动中出售该数据(可以提供早期天气警告)到燃料水平(这可能)。帮助天然气公司预测需求。WPA60604QTETE的数据存储在您的汽车是非常宝贵的,现在我们美国司机只是把它,WPAP60300 6QTE说,Raphael Davison,HPEWPA60300 7QTES世界总监BooStand。WPA60604QTET-这种技术与Buffic链允许你控制它,因此你控制它,你可以货币化。WPAP60300 6QTE城市管理员可能想要购买汽车收集的关于交通拥堵甚至坑位置的数据,同时自动保险。RS可以购买数据,以评估个别司机PAP60300 7QTE风险,并相应地评估保费。HPEWPA60607QTES块链原型安装在奥迪Q2中,但该技术最终可以应用于任何汽车。WPA60604QTECar制造商显然想要使用它,业主会喜欢出售它,智能城市会喜欢买它,保险公司会喜欢它,WPA60606QTE戴维森说。他称之为WPA60304QTEBLAMP 3.0WPA60300 6QTE:如果BooStand 2正在使用技术将企业与其他企业连接起来,下一阶段将移除企业中间商,并将消费者直接与寻求利润的公司联系起来。WPAP60300 4QTETE的方法是数据链的所有者是生成该数据的人。他说,不是汽车公司WPAP60300 6QTE,他补充说,HPE也在探索允许病人控制和分享他们自己的医疗记录和医疗保健数据的方法。与此同时,诺基亚已经与Streamr合作,将数据收集到芬兰电信公司WPAP60300 7QTES移动WPA60604QTEBASE站WPAP60300 6QTE设备上,基本上是产业链上的WiFi热点产业链。NojavaPAP60300 7QTE基站经常用于农村低信号地区,例如在农场上,经常使用互联网传感器来预测天气模式和调节灌溉和其他过程。WPA60304QTECHAND希望有一个气象站,他们也可能想出售这些数据,WPAP60300 6QTE说,Martti Ylikoski,无线电系统进化领先于诺基亚。Sturr星期三还宣布与Osofoft建立伙伴关系,OSISoft的数据和分析软件被用于监控财富500强公司的工业工厂和其他业务。在这种情况下,OsSoFPTP60607QTES客户可能希望使用SLRRWPAP60300 7QTES数据令牌来共享和交易它们之间的数据,这也可以帮助OsSoFT吸引客户,该公司表示。虽然在技术被广泛采用之前几年,汽车司机和农民可以实际销售他们的数据,但是SturrWPAP60300 7QTES首席执行官亨利-皮卡拉设想,最终,从汽车到智能手机的许多设备都会有一个简单的开关开关。销售和销售他们的数据。Pikhala说,这样做的技术已经存在;ITWPA60607QTES只是让公司实现它的一个问题:WPA60604QTETWAPPAP60300 7QTES为什么我们与人合作使这些场景成为可能。WPAP60300 6QTE SturrWPAP60300 7QTES DATCOON目前以P为单位进行交易。大米的价格约为12美分,低于今年年初的30美分。
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