Ex-SoFi CEO Mike Cagney Makes a Comeback With a New Blockchain-Focused Startup – 前SOFI首席执行官Mike Cagney卷土重来,以一个新的连锁店为重点的启动

Ex-SoFi CEO Mike Cagney Makes a Comeback With a New Blockchain-Focused Startup - 前SOFI首席执行官Mike Cagney卷土重来,以一个新的连锁店为重点的启动

Mike Cagney, CEO of SoFi, left, and Erin Griffith at Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech in Aspen, Colo. on July 19, 2017.
Photograph by Jordan Curet for Fortune Brainstorm Tech

Mike Cagney,首席执行官SOFI,左,和Erin Griffith在财富的头脑风暴技术在Aspen,Colo. 2017年7月19日。Jordan Curet为财富头脑风暴技术拍摄的照片


Polina Marinova

May 1, 2018


Mike Cagney is back on the startup scene.

It’s been less than a year since Cagney was ousted from Social Finance, or SoFi. Now, he has a new startup and lots of funding from at least one of his previous investors.

In the fall of 2017, Cagney quit as the CEO of student loan refinancer SoFi following allegations of sexual misconduct and fraudulent actions by managers.

Seven months later, he’s back for his second act with a new blockchain-focused (surprise!) startup called Figure that helps expedite loan approvals. He has raised $50 million in venture funding from investors including DCM Ventures, Ribbit Capital, and Peter Thiel’s Mithril Capital Management, according to Bloomberg. DCM Ventures invested in SoFi back in 2012.

The new startup plans to offer three- to 10-year home equity loans and a buy-lease-back product, the report says. In other words, it will purchase retirees’ homes and then lease them back. Many banks cut down on these types of loans following the financial crisis, but they’re starting to gain traction again due to rising home prices.

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The fact that Cagney is launching a blockchain startup isn’t all that surprising, as you might remember that he told Fortune at Brainstorm Tech last year that SoFi was exploring a way to use blockchain to revolutionize title insurance. “The blockchain on Ethereum, on the other hand, has absolutely fascinating infrastructure applications,” he said at the time.

Mike Cagney重返创业现场。自从卡格尼被驱逐出社会金融,或者索菲,不到一年的时间。现在,他有了一个新的创业公司和至少一个他以前的投资者的资金。在2017秋季,卡格尼退出了学生贷款精炼公司SOFI的首席执行官,此前有人指控管理者的性行为不当和欺诈行为。七个月后,他回来了,他的第二个动作与一个新的链链集中(惊喜!)启动称为图形,有助于加快贷款审批。据彭博社报道,他已从包括DCM创投、瑞比特资本和彼得·泰尔的MiTrIL资本管理在内的投资者筹集了5000万美元的风险投资。DCM创投于2012投资于SoFi。报告称,这家新成立的公司计划提供三至10年的房屋净值贷款和回购租赁产品。换句话说,它将购买退休人员的住房,然后租赁他们回来。金融危机后,许多银行削减了这些贷款,但由于房价上涨,它们开始再次获得吸引力。注册条款表,财富交易和交易商的通讯。事实上,卡格尼正在启动一个BigStand的启动并不令人惊讶,因为你可能还记得去年他在《头脑风暴技术》上告诉财富,SoFi正在探索一种使用BuffStand来改变所有权保险的方法。他说:“另一方面,EnthUM的Buffic链具有非常吸引人的基础设施应用。”


Ex-SoFi CEO Mike Cagney Makes a Comeback With a New Blockchain-Focused Startup - 前SOFI首席执行官Mike Cagney卷土重来,以一个新的连锁店为重点的启动

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