Chain CEO Adam Ludwin Talks Cryptocurrencies and Counterculture – 连锁CEO亚当·鲁德温谈隐性知识与反文化



Jonathan Vanian

April 18, 2018

Jonathan Vanian 2018年4月18日


Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are the new “counterculture” while Silicon Valley and its wealthy tech companies have become the establishment, according to Chain CEO Adam Ludwin.

His comments at Fortune’s annual Brainstorm Tech dinner in San Francisco on Tuesday highlight the huge shift in the tech industry over the past few years. Big Internet companies have evolved into the new power centers in the U.S. economy, much like the industrial giants before them, while digital currencies have emerged as the brash upstarts.

Ludwin, whose company creates blockchain software for app developers and the financial industry, caused a stir in the insular tech world for a memo he wrote last fall to JPMorgan Chase CEO Jaime Dimon, who once questioned the value of much-hyped cryptocurrencies. Ludwin said that digital currencies give “people ownership over money and transactions” in contrast to traditional currencies that can be inflated by governments.

Cryptocurrencies, Ludwin said, represent a “new asset class” that software developers can use to build apps that can do things like store digital files. Those apps reward users by paying them digital tokens that implicitly encourage them to support the app.

It’s a sort of libertarian ideal that, in theory, makes people want to participate in a new economy.

Still, Ludwin acknowledged that the lack of regulation has led to “a lot of hucksters, fraud, and manipulation” in the cryptocurrency space. He didn’t mention any specifics, but many people are concerned about initial coin offerings, or ICOS, that many fly-by-night companies hold to raise money without disclosing much information to investors.

Ludwin’s memo to the JPMorgan CEO pointed out many of these kinds of problems while also explaining that digital currencies represent an optimistic future. Dimon has publicly criticized the Bitcoin digital currency and called it a “fraud,” raising a cacophony of criticism from digital currency supporters.

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Ludwin said that Dimon had quietly responded to his memo. He described JPMorgan’s CEO as “super gracious” when they met later during the annual World Economic Forum in Davos this year and praised the bank’s research into Ethereum, one of the hottest cryptocurrency networks.

“They have the most real investment in this among any of the major banks,” Ludwin said regarding JPMorgan’s Ethereum play.


像比特币这样的隐秘行为是新的“反主流文化”,而硅谷和它的富有的科技公司已经成为这个机构的创始人,据连锁CEO Adam Ludwin说。他在三藩的财富年度头脑风暴科技晚宴上的评论强调了过去几年科技产业的巨大转变。大型互联网公司已经发展成为美国经济中的新的电力中心,就像他们之前的工业巨头一样,而数字货币已经成为了暴躁的暴发户。Ludwin,他的公司为应用程序开发者和金融业创建BuffStand软件,引起了岛国科技界的强烈不满,他去年秋天给摩根大通首席执行官Jaime Dimon写过一份备忘录,他曾经质疑过多宣传的隐性知识的价值。Ludwin说,数字货币赋予人们“货币和交易的所有权”,与传统货币相比,货币可以被政府夸大。Ludwin说,加密技术代表了一个“新的资产类别”,软件开发人员可以使用它来构建应用程序,这些程序可以像存储数字文件一样进行操作。这些应用程序通过支付数字令牌来奖励用户,这些数字令牌暗示他们支持应用程序。从理论上讲,这是一种自由主义的理想,使人们想参与新经济。然而,LuWin承认缺乏监管导致了“密码破解、欺诈和操控”。他没有提到任何细节,但许多人关心的是最初的硬币产品,或者ICOS,许多夜店公司都在不向投资者透露大量信息的情况下筹集资金。卢德温对摩根大通首席执行官的备忘录指出了许多此类问题,同时也解释了数字货币代表着一个乐观的未来。戴蒙公开批评比特币数字货币,并称之为“欺诈”,引发了来自数字货币支持者的批评声。获得数据表,财富的技术通讯。Ludwin说戴蒙悄悄地回应了他的备忘录。他说,摩根大通首席执行官今年晚些时候在达沃斯举行的一年一度的世界经济论坛上会面时说,“超级亲切”,并赞扬了该银行对EthUUM的研究,这是最热门的隐秘网络之一。“他们在这些大银行中拥有最真实的投资,”Ludwin对摩根大通的空谈说。nbsp;


Chain CEO Adam Ludwin Talks Cryptocurrencies and Counterculture - 连锁CEO亚当·鲁德温谈隐性知识与反文化

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