Blockchain Media Firm Civil Launches an Ambitious Studio to Build an ‘Open Marketplace for Journalists’ – BBCH传媒公司推出一个雄心勃勃的工作室为记者打造一个“开放市场”



Jeff John Roberts

May 2, 2018

Jeff John Roberts 2018年5月2日

The wildly ambitious media startup, Civil, just got a little more ambitious. On Wednesday, the New York-based blockchain company announced Civil Studios, which aspires to fund a range of big projects—from documentaries to podcasts to news investigations—as part of its plan to redefine the business of journalism.

If this seems like a lot to get your head around, that’s because it is. Civil’s blockchain-meets-media venture, which received $5 million in funding last fall, is not easy to explain but we’ll try. The best description of Civil comes from my former Fortune colleague Mathew Ingram, who sums it up like this:

Civil, founded by Matthew Iles last year, is building what it hopes will be an open marketplace for journalists, scheduled to launch in the spring of 2018. The building blocks of the project are blockchains and a bespoke cryptocurrency, a system of “tokens” that will both fund the development of the platform and compensate writers and editors.

What Civil wants to build is a combination of a publishing tool or platform like Medium—where anyone can post content and reach a broader audience—and a crowdfunding system like Patreon or Kickstarter. But all in a place that has been designed specifically to support independent journalism.

The idea is to build a new type of media economy, which relies on Ethereum-based tokens (an off-shoot of bitcoin) to fund worthy reporting. If it works, the result will be a decentralized editorial model where important stories of all sorts can be funded. Another advantage is the stories will be hard to wipe off the Internet, as often happens when a media firm goes bankrupt, because the article are hosted on an immutable blockchain.

Journalism, On the Blockchain

So where does the new “fit” into all of this? Here is how Civil describes it:

Civil Studios [is] an independent, for-profit company that will share a lot of qualities with many of the venture-builder firms that have proliferated so successfully on the conventional web.

Civil Studios’ mission is to study and accelerate the potential for blockchain technology to reinvent journalism. With initial funding from the Civil Media Company to be announced this summer, Civil Studios’ central activity will be to fund and pilot ambitious works of journalism for the Civil platform that will test its limits across journalistic disciplines, formats, and business models.

In an interview with Fortune, Civil explains that the studio is intended to help build out an eco-system of media projects on the blockchain. In the same way a tech company might subsidize apps to attract people to an app store, Civil wants to build a library of compelling content.

“We’re pursuing a “Netflix original” strategy. We can wait for people to fund something big or we can establish a fund and do it ourselves,” says Tom McGeveran, a former executive from Politico and now at Old Town Media, a team of media veterans advising Civil.

In a blog post describing the studio project, McGeveran also says he expects the first blockchain-journalism project to win an Emmy, a Peabody, or a Pulitzer will be a Civil portfolio businesses.

A Token Sale

The prospect of a thriving studio system of journalism, one that is free from clickbait and tyrannical media bosses, is tantalizing. But Civil has a long way to go if it’s going to pull this off.

One big obstacle right now centers around the tokens that are supposed to power the whole project. Once it’s fully up and running, the tokens will be used for everything from paying journalists to serving as voting ballots to decide which projects merit funding.

Right now, however, no one (including would-be readers) can get their hands on the Civil tokens because the company hasn’t conducted a public sale—known in the blockchain world as an “Initial Coin Offering” (aka ICO)—to distribute them. Once that occurs, the tokens are expected to fund Civil projects and also to trade in the open market where they could increase in value.

A possible snag right now is that the Securities and Exchange Commission has put the kibosh on ICOs of all sorts following a wave of speculative mania and blatant fraud involving tokens. Even if the primary purpose of the Civil tokens is to fund journalism, the possibility for speculation means they could be considered as securities, which would mean an expensive regulatory morass for Civil.

McGeveran, however, is confident the token sale would go forward one way or another. He also points out that seven Civil newsrooms are already up and running (they include alt-weekly site Popula and news site Block Club Chicago) and that more are on the way.

While the company appears to have momentum, pulling this all off will also require training readers and journalists, who are often technophobic, to navigate the world of tokens and blockchains. For now, Civil remains confident this can be done, in part because readers will also be able to use conventional payment methods such as credit cards.

“We’ll have a lot more to say about our funding, strategies, and investment philosophy in the coming weeks,” McGeveran says. “Journalists of all kinds from documentarians to podcasters to straight-up news and investigative reporters who want to do something genuinely new to the front of the line, please!”

This story was updated at 10:20am to clarify that readers will be able to pay with credit cards as well as tokens.

这个野心勃勃的媒体初创公司,平民,只是变得更雄心勃勃了。星期三,总部位于纽约的BooStand公司宣布了民用电影制片厂,该公司渴望将一系列大型项目从纪录片、播客到新闻调查,作为重新定义新闻业的计划的一部分。如果这看起来像是让你头晕目眩的话,那就是因为它是。WavePAP60607QTES Band Calm满足Media Vo创业,去年秋天获得了500万美元的资助,这不容易解释,但WeWPA60607QTEL尝试。最好的民事描述来自我以前的财富同事Mathew Ingram,他总结了这样的话:去年由Matthew Iles创立的“民事”,正在建设一个希望成为一个开放的新闻市场的计划。2018的春天。该项目的组成部分是块链和定制的加密,一个系统的“令牌”,这将既资助平台的发展,并补偿作家和编辑。公民想要建立的是一个出版工具或平台的组合,像媒体一样,任何人都可以发布内容和更广泛的受众,以及像PATREN或Kickstarter这样的众筹系统。但在一个专门支持独立新闻业的地方。这个想法是建立一种新的媒体经济,它依赖于基于EtUnM的令牌(比特币的一个分支)来资助有价值的报告。如果它奏效,结果将是一个分散的编辑模式,其中各种重要的故事都可以得到资助。另一个优势是,故事很难被抹去,就像媒体公司破产时经常发生的一样,因为文章是在一个不可变的块链上托管的。新闻学,在封锁链上,新WPA60304QTEFITWAPP60300 6QTE在哪里呢?这里是民间如何描述它:民用工作室是一个独立的,盈利性的公司,它将与许多在传统网络上如此成功地发展的风险投资公司分享许多品质。民用制片厂的任务是研究并加速BBLCH技术改造新闻业的潜力。在今年夏天宣布的民间媒体公司最初的资金支持下,民用电影公司的中心活动将是为民间平台提供资金和试点雄心勃勃的新闻作品,这将检验其在新闻学科、格式和商业模式上的局限性。在《财富》杂志的采访中,文豪解释说,该工作室旨在帮助建立一个生态链系统的媒体项目链。同样,一家科技公司可能会资助应用程序吸引人们到App Store,民间希望建立一个内容引人入胜的图书馆。WPA60304QTEWWPAP60300 7QTE追求WPA60304QTENETFLIX原WPAP60300 6QTE战略。我们可以等待人们为一些大的基金提供资金,或者我们可以自己建立一个基金,WPAP60300 6QTE说,Tom McGeveran,前政治总裁,现在在老城媒体,一个媒体老兵指导民间的团队。在一个描述工作室计划的博客文章中,麦格维兰还说,他希望第一个BBBCH新闻项目赢得艾美奖,皮博迪,或者普利策将是一个民间投资组合业务。象征性的销售前景是一个繁荣的演播室新闻系统,一个没有点击诱饵和专制媒体的老板,这是诱人的。但是民事诉讼还有很长的路要走,如果它能把这件事办好的话。目前的一个大障碍集中在应该为整个项目提供动力的令牌上。一旦ITWPA60607QTES充分运行,这些令牌将用于从付给记者到投票表决的所有项目,以决定哪些项目值得资助。然而,现在,没有人(包括潜在的读者)可以得到他们手中的民事凭证,因为该公司HNWPAP60300 7QTET进行了一个公开销售在块链世界已知的WPAP60300 4q4Quin提供WPAP60300 6QTE(又名ICO)的硬币来分发它们。一旦出现这种情况,这些令牌就有望为民间项目提供资金,同时也可以在公开市场上进行交易,使它们能够增值。现在的一个可能的障碍是,证券交易委员会在一系列投机狂热和涉及令牌的公然欺诈行为之后,对各种ICOS提出了质疑。即使民事标志的主要目的是为新闻业提供资金,投机的可能性也意味着它们可以被认为是有价证券,这将意味着民事诉讼的昂贵监管。然而,麦格维兰相信象征性销售会以某种方式向前发展。他还指出,七个民间新闻编辑室已经开始运作(包括ALT每周现场人口和新闻网站块俱乐部芝加哥),还有更多的正在进行中。虽然该公司似乎有动力,但这一切都将需要培训读者和新闻记者,他们常常是技术恐惧症者,来操纵令牌和封锁链的世界。眼下,民间仍有信心做到这一点,部分原因是读者也可以使用传统的支付方式,如信用卡。WPA60604QTWE将有更多的话要说我们的资金,战略和投资理念在未来几周内,WPA60300 6QTE麦格维兰说。WPA60604QT记者,从纪录片到播客,到直达新闻和调查记者,他们想做一些真正的新的前沿,请!WPAP60300 6QTE这个故事是在上午10:20更新,以澄清读者将能够支付信用卡以及代币。


Blockchain Media Firm Civil Launches an Ambitious Studio to Build an 'Open Marketplace for Journalists' - BBCH传媒公司推出一个雄心勃勃的工作室为记者打造一个“开放市场”

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