‘Bitcoin Day’ Proves Crypto Is Thriving in Argentina – “比特币日”证明密码在阿根廷繁荣

Bitcoin may not yet have “conquered” Argentina, but it’s certainly making in-roads.

That much was obvious last week at “Bitcoin Day” in Buenos Aires, where 500 attendees took part in an event aimed at serving a growing demand for information on the technology. Held in the heart of the city’s Almagro neighborhood, the conference served a reminder of how the country is still the leader in regional adoption, even if other developments in Latin America (like Venezuela’s possible petro cryptocurrency) may have stolen the spotlight of late.
很明显在上周的“布宜诺斯艾利斯比特币日”,在 500与会者参加一个活动旨在为对科技信息的需求越来越多。在该市举行 Almagro街区的心脏,会议曾提醒人们这个国家仍然在区域采用的领导者, 即使美国在拉丁美洲的其他发展(像委内瑞拉的佩特罗可能cryptocurrency)可能成为关注焦点的晚。

For example, Chile’s Guillermo Torrealba, CEO of the cryptocurrency services firm Buda, contrasted his efforts to achieve banking support in Argentina with experiences elsewhere. 
例如,智利的 Guillermo Torrealba,首席执行官布达cryptocurrency服务公司,对比他的努力,其他地方的经验实现阿根廷银行的支持。 

“There are even banks here that have executives that are exclusively dedicated to cryptocurrency companies,” Torrealba said. Compared with his home country, the situation, he said, is night and day.


“In Chile last week, all commercial banks have decided to close the accounts to all the cryptocurrency companies at the same time. They killed the industry,” he told CoinDesk.

Still, that’s not to say there isn’t optimism that other countries will follow in Argentina’s progressive footsteps.

Torrealba expects government or judicial intervention to ultimately end the blockade, asserting that countries like Peru are already pursuing a different strategy, seeking to observe and learn.

“We believe that it is not long before the traditional financial industry will come looking for us in order to begin to use our infrastructure,” he said.

But in Argentina, that might already be happening.

Gonzalo Blousson, CEO of digital notary startup Signatura, for one, acknowledged progress is being made. Already, Argentina is registering official bulletins on the blockchain, a development he credits to a vibrant local community that has been evangelizing for the tech for years.
Gonzalo Blousson,一个数字公证启动Signatura,首席执行官,承认正在取得进展。阿根廷是已经注册官方公告在blockchain,发展他相信一个充满活力的社区已经宣传多年的技术。

He told CoinDesk:

“We used to call the companies to tell them what blockchain is about. Today they call us to improve their processes.”


The new enemy

'Bitcoin Day' Proves Crypto Is Thriving in Argentina - “比特币日”证明密码在阿根廷繁荣

That said, there was a significant amount of interest in another question – if and when the bitcoin price (down more than 60 percent on the year) would begin to rise again.

For this, a talk by Carlos Maslaton, head of treasury at Xapo, satisfied, with dialogue on how financial entities are wary of bitcoin because it “generates competition” in the financial markets.
为此,Carlos Maslaton说,财政部在头XAPO,满意,如何在金融机构对话担心比特币因为它产生竞争”在金融市场。

But he notably went on to urge banks to “open their minds a little,” suggesting that the crowd in attendance was reason enough that bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are, if nothing else, a new market for their services. (Maslaton said he wasn’t expecting such a strong turnout after the decrease of bitcoin price.)
但他显然还敦促银行“敞开自己心灵的一点,“这表明在考勤的人群是足够的理由,比特币和Cryptocurrencies,如果没有其他的事,为他们服务的一个新的市场。(Maslaton说 他没想到这样一个强大的投票率降低后,比特币的价格。)

Still, if Maslaton doesn’t see banks as the enemy, he believes bitcoin still has regional threats.

Asked by a Venezuelan about his opinion on the petro cryptocurrency, he went so far as to call it a “fraud.”

“No currency of these characteristics can be issued by a government. Precisely the idea of cryptocurrencies is that it they are not to be issued by a government,” he said, adding:

“In the hands of Maduro and the criminals who run Venezuela, what else can I say…”


Images via Bitcoin Day organizers


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