

在chrome中开发者工具中禁用cache也不起作用。Status Code是正常值200

用firefox的web开发者工具查看调用情况,发现Status code是304.

The HTTP 304 Not Modified client redirection response code indicates that there is no need to retransmit the requested resources. It is an implicit redirection to a cached resource. This happens when the request method is safe, like a GET or a HEAD request, or when the request is conditional and uses a If-None-Match or a If-Modified-Since header.

The equivalent 200 OK response would have included the headers Cache-Control, Content-Location, Date, ETag, Expires, and Vary.

解决方法:由于网站使用了cloudflare的cdn,登陆cloudflare后,在相应的Caching/Purge Cache中,点击custom purge,在弹出的对话框中输入图片的地址,点击purge按钮。问题解决!


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